Magic in the Air will be essential reading for communications specialists, sociologists, and social psychologists. In keeping with the book's title, Katz explores the often overlooked psychic and religious uses of the mobile phone, an area that has only recently begun to command scholarly interest.

And mobile phone misbehavior is by no means limited to students: Katz finds that teachers are increasingly taking calls in the middle of class, even interrupting their own lectures to answer what they claim are important calls. Parents no longer object to their children having mobile phones in class in a post-Columbine and 9/11 era instead they are pressing schools to change their rules to allow students to have their phones available during class. Katz also discusses use and abuse of mobile phones in educational settings, where he finds that their use is eroding students' participation in class even as it is helping them to cheat on exams and cut class. After reviewing these he outlines some steps to ameliorate the mobile phone's negative effects. He also identifies ways the mobile phone has not been entirely positive. Surveying the mobile phone's current and emerging role in daily life, Katz finds that it provides many benefits for the user, and that some of these benefits are subtle and even counter-intuitive. Katz investigates the spectrum of social aspects of the cell phone's impact on society and the way social forces affect the use, display, and re-configuration of the cell phone. Magic in the Air is the most wide-ranging analysis of mobile communication to date. Katz, a leading authority on social consequences of communication technology, analyzes the way new mobile telecommunications affect daily life both in the United States and around the world. Magic in the Air - Mobile Communication and the Transformation of Social Life Thus arises the sublime ordinariness of Letinsky's couples, Berlant argues: "As 'normal' pleasures themselves become deemed modes of domination, the already destabilizing aspects of sexuality can feel even more unsettling." An interview between Letinsky and Berlant unfolds the artist's intellectual formation while exploring the unsettling and pleasurable power of her images as they circulate through the domains of romance, sexuality, and contemporary culture. Berlant contemplates the burden of clarity that sexuality bears, implicit both in conventional romantic ideals and in the "counterpolitics of the flesh" that desires to escape them. Accompanying the photographs is an essay by critic Lauren Berlant, which presents an aesthetic and cultural analysis of the contemporary images of romance and intimacy. Over a seven-year period, Letinsky visited lovers in their homes, hotel rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens and recorded in detail the promises, disharmonies, and disappointments that inhere in modern coupling. Entering what might be called the intimate sphere, Letinsky's camera explores a space too personal to be termed public and yet whose cultural and emotional shape is uncannily recognizable. This collection of 46 richly reproduced color photographs is Laura Letinsky's study of contemporary lovers as they are seen, as they show, and as they see themselves making love and inhabiting domestic space. But what does love look like? Does it look the way it feels? The visual vocabulary of romance-its attendant comforts and vulnerabilities, ambivalences and unclarities-is the subject of Venus Inferred. We are all, it is said, looking for love. This new revised edition of this popular text provides an accurate, balanced and readable history of Korea from 1910 to the present day. The Magazine of Health Exploring Writing - PARAGRAPHS and ESSAYS The Making of Modern Korea

On the day England enters World War Two, Freud and Lewis clash about love, sex, the exis The Total Money Makeover - A Proven Plan for Financial FitnessĪ strategy for changing attitudes about personal finances covers such topics as getting out of debt, the dangers of cash advances and keeping spending within income limits. Sigmund Freud who invites the young, rising Oxford Don C.S. THE STORY: FREUD'S LAST SESSION centers on legendary psychoanalyst Dr. Here is a portrait of Emily Carr, a fine literary work that is impressionistic rather than exact, betraying the artist intact in spirit, fortitude, and legacy.